via Fulgur Press:
Aus Ausgabe 2 des esoterisch-magischen Kunstmagazins Abraxas: Substantially larger than the previous issue, Abraxas 2 offers over 210 pages of essays, poetry, interviews and art, much of it published for the first time. Von besonderem Interesse (unter anderem):
Finding the Long-Lost Friend by Dan Harms
Fossil Angels by Alan Moore
Urban Sigils by Mark Titchner
Zitat der Woche via Jen Campbell:
"Man: Do you have black and white film posters?
Me: Yes, we do, over here.
Man: Do you have any posters of Adolf Hitler?
Me: Pardon?
Man: Adolf Hitler.
Me: Well, he wasn't a film star, was he.
Man: Yes, he was. He was American. Jewish, I think.
Me: ..........."
und dann ist da noch das Bild der Woche.
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