Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2010

Links 2010-07-21

Kirby: Der phantastischee Mr. Kurt Busiek kündigt die Wiedergeburt des Kirbyversums an - und mehr! "Galactic Rangers. Sigurd. Galaxy Green. Tiger 21. The Ninth Men."

Freak: via WWII History Magazine: "It was May 1940, and the German officer’s unit was attacking toward a village called l’Epinette, near Bethune, France. Five of his soldiers took cover behind a farmyard wall, sheltered from the fire of British rearguards covering the retreat of the British Expeditionary Force to the English Channel. Without warning, one German crumpled, the feathered tip of an arrow sticking out of his chest. From a small farm building on their flank, rifle-fire tore into the others." Na, das nenn' ich doch mal einen Soldaten, der seinen Job ernst nimmt.

Religion: Via BBC News: Experten haben bewiesen, dass das Programm von Radio Vatikan Krebs verursacht. "There is a 'coherent and significant connection' between radiation from Vatican Radio aerials and childhood cancer, researchers have said." Sind wir überrascht, oder hatte man sich das schon immer gedacht? Die katholische Kirche hat irgendwie kein glückliches Händchen bei Dingen, die Kinder betreffen...

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